Welcome I am delighted to introduce Randar Education. Located in Kendal, we work with Schools and the Local Authority to offer alternative provision placements at all key stages so that children can continue to access education when not on their school site. We aim to develop and support our young people to re engage with their education, make plans for their future and make a valuable contribution to society. At Randar Education we understand that young people have a range of factors that influence how they feel, think and behave. We seek to understand their difficulties and overcome these challenges. Randar are a highly experienced group of specialist teachers and education advisers who work with young people who struggle to access mainstream school. I have 30 years of experience working in mainstream, independent special schools, PRU,s and Independent schools with over 14 years as a Head teacher. Our staff team have worked with mainstream schools and Local Authorities to successfully provide outreach support. Many of our young people may have experienced significant periods out of school or have had negative experiences. With a change of environment and curriculum we can support them to be successful. We provide a nurturing environment that will build upon the children's strengths and needs. I am extremely proud to be leading this provision and look forward to welcoming you to work with us. Robin |
Supporting pupils to:
3.1 Riverside Business Park, Natland Road, Kendal, LA9 7SX
Telephone 07359355450
Email: admin@randareducation.co.uk
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